Data Driven Testing
Login as Test Manager/Test Manager.
Select Project and Navigate to the Test Page.
Click on the Add New Test button on the Test Page.
Enter Test Name and Test Plan Name.
Create a Test or through Extension
To add data-driven to the Test, capture the data in an Excel sheet which will be parameterized.
Click on the Data-Driven table icon.
.Click the '+Choose' button >>then Browse for an excel/.xls File >> Click 'Open' in File Dialog >> Click the Upload button (Make sure we clicked the Upload button to upload the data).
After uploading, we can select the column as Value or Element and click "Submit."
Now Parameterize the values and elements accordingly, By Clicking on the 'Edit icon' of the test step.
Click on three dots near Field Value ,Select DDS Parameterization ,Select the Values or element accordingly
Click on Run icon and see the no. of iterations captured and uploaded on the Excel sheet.
Watch this video to learn about data driven testing:
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