Calling API in Function Testing

Calling API in Function Testing

  1. Login to GTP as Test Manager/ Engineer.

  2. Select the Project from Project drop down Menu.

  3. Go to Test Page, click on Add new Test Button.

  4. Create a Test with appropriate Tag.

  5. Click on Test Name.

  6. Click on Record Button.

  7. Click on + icon. Now select API request Button.

  8. The API request window will be displayed.

  9. Enter the Test name, Select the request method (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE) from the Drop-down and enter desired endpoint URL against which the request is to be triggered. In addition, values for the Headers, Query Params & Body fields need to be entered.

  10. After entering all inputs, click on Send Request button.

  11. Now the user(s) can get a response for their API requests.

  12. From the response we can Create the Variables, and also make Assertions.

  13. Click on Save Button.

  1. User has added the API request.

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